Finalmente, depois da viagem de volta, do descanso e de retornar ao trabalho, consegui uns minutos para postar a segunda palestra que apresentei no FISL 14, ao lado do grande amigo e colega de trabalho Leonardo Vaz (obrigado Leo!). Agradeço também a presença e participação de outros Embaixadores Fedora do Brasil, como o Wolnei, Penasio, Marcelo e ainda outros que o cansaço não deixa lembrar (me desculpem!).

[en_US] More FISL 14: Beyond the 4 Fs: What is Fedora effectively doing for Open Source?
Finally, after traveling back, getting some rest and then back to work, I could free up some minutes to post about the second talk I presented at FISL 14, beside my good friend and workmate Leonardo Vaz (thank you Leo!). I also thank the presence and participation of other brazilian Fedora Ambassadors, such as Wolnei, Penasio, Marcelo and still others that I'm too tired to remember (sorry!).The idea on this talk (here are the slides, and here is the official video) was to demonstrate that, during its current 10 years of existance, the Fedora Project has always been focused on its mission of advancing the state-of-the-art in Free and Open Source Software. We started the talk with a quick explanation of how and why the project was created, and then we did a recollection of all the main technologies and projects that Fedora has integrated and helped mature, commenting each of the releases launched year after year. The public has shown great interest, and I believe we could demonstrate clearly that there is much more to Fedora than fits into the installation DVD, and that people should not just install Fedora, but also examine closely all the countless functionalities that are just waiting in the official repositories. You just need to search what you want, there's a little-lot of everything!